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Tag Archives: rants

If a person made mistakes… even the most serious ones… there is always a second chance. And if people can’t accept your imperfections, THAT’S THEIR FAULT.

credits: Eco0606

great video. check out time2sub2 for the english translation.

“Faith is believing when it is beyond the power of reason to believe.”
– Voltaire

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currently having problems with the actual file. hahaha.
will try to upload it as soon as i can. sorry.

too bad, this is one of the best inki stage ever.

how many times do i have to hear that song on the radio everyday?
how many times do i need to see it performed on local TV every sunday?

i swear to all fangirls out there, i hope you know how much i love WG.
From the bottom of my heart, i will always support WG.
And i’m greatly thankful that KPOP is somehow recognized now in the PH.

But NOBODY is getting on my nerves already.

Come on… instead of performing it on your show (which is by the way FAIL sometimes…) Just let us see the MV itself. We will be happier than ever than seeing your artist perform it… I mean yes… thanks your artists…. but how many times was it already?

GEEEESH. Every sunday, every station? Could it get worse than this? ugggggh.

I appreciate it ONCE… TWICE… but showing your girls and perform it to us like E-V-E-R-Y sunday? UGH.

hahahahahahahaha! this is the moment i’ve been waiting for. lol!

there are a lot of things i need to update in my site… so just wait.
from download links to infos… plus credits… will post it up as soon as i’m finish with everything.

for the meantime, you can browse my old links. 🙂

i know. although i’m pretty busy these days, i promised that as much as possible delay will never happen again. but too bad… there are so many mishaps happening right now… so i can’t give you the latest mp4 perfs.

mainly because, we have no phone line. meaning, no internet for me.
second, my converter is freaking the hell out of me.
it doesn’t want to cooperate with me. .dll errors pops out here and there whenever i try to do something about it. i know… i have to find ways to fix that. so that’s all for now.

i hate it. gaaaah.

The inmates rocked my world again.

If you can remember, last year, they owned us with their THRILLER.. One of the “most popular viral videos” of 2007. That Thriller video really rocked my world and really amazed me.
Let’s watch it.

Credits: byronfgarcia@youtube

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deleting all my comments? nice move, DOUCHE BAG!

I feel like crap today, and to come home and see this, I don’t really need this. Sometimes I wonder why I’m even taking the time out and do all this when people are just gonna go and take advantage of me. I’m thinking aboutquitting this site, if this continues, I really don’t have the time and patient for it anymore. So to anyone who have a facebook, please, spam this page, do SOMETHING, ask them, whatever, get them to remove all my links, because if all the links go “invalid” I won’t have time to reupload them and I know you would hate all lost all the links to all Big Bang’s old and new video too. so PLEASE, help me.


Vicky wrote this at HQBB.
As a fan of Big Bang, you know what HQBB mean.
And you know what will happen if Vicky will start to remove all her files.

Is it really hard to understand what she was trying to say?
I don’t have facebook. so, as much as i wanted to post there, i just can’t.
So i’m asking help to all my fellow fangirls with facebook accounts.


Wow. So far, this is the best Jiyong hair… FOR ME.
hahaha. next to this HAHAHA!
i really loved this tied up hair. i dunno why. 😀

hahahah LOL. No curly twurly hair anymore? hmmm. maybe he didn’t like it much too.
hahaha. or maybe that hair is for the W-inds MV only. lol

anyway, again, i like this hair a lot. it reminds me of someone. haha
like jhaq said, HyunJoong’s hair in WGM. lol!

Credits: Always-GD. PLEASE DO NOT HOTLINK. Click to Enlarge.

As pathetic as it can get, sometimes people wish to be a Hero.
Someone who can save the day..


*Isn't it cute to see a Hero with another Hero?*

I’m pretty busy these days…
I miss watching BOF.
I miss watching DBSK Vids.
I miss downloading.

I’l be back soon. 🙂