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Tag Archives: gif

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Don’t miss the other mini mes gif. 🙂

credits: here

2NE1 – Lollipop GIFs

Like Big Bang Lollipop GIFs, 2NE1 has lollipop gifs too. i dont know when exactly it was released… so.. there.

don’t miss the other GIFs. 🙂 [1] [2] [3]

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here’s an official release from ygfamily site. 😀

credits: ygfamily

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I know this is late already. but i just thought i need to put this up to add on my collection. haha
just in case you missed my other GIFs, here. [GIF1] [GIF2]

This is the lollipop version. i like Yong’s giffy & TOP’s Dynamite. haha!

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Includes: 2NE1, Big Bang [3versions], DBSK, SHINee, Super Junior, Super Junior – M
Please do not hotlink. Download link available under cut. ^^, ENJOY! Read More »

Now is the time to shine. haha! You know how mood images work for Livejournal right? Well, i want to share this one…


Just in case you want JaeJoong oppa on your mood images for Livejournal, just click here to download. I already named it according to mood names. although there are some moods that i did not make one. hope you don’t mind. ke ke. ^^
