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2PM – Music Bank 090522 – Again & Again
13.97 MB // .mp4

Raw: aigo-media


Super Junior – Music Bank 090522 – It’s You
13.98 MB // .mp4

Raw: aigo-media

i know… i’ve been gone lately. i’m so busy with my school stuffs. but while being busy i thought of something new for my fandom world…. hahaha. i think i will be uploading various mp4 videos from now on. 🙂 yeah yeah. definitely NO HQs. there are a lot of sites that can you offer that already. (i know, there are a lot of mp4 sites too.) but as you all know, this is for my own satisfaction too. besides i’m running out of space i need to backup the mp4 files i have. so… yeah. i will be uploading all mp4s i have… hmm.. when? i don’t know yet. haha. SOON maybe… =) i’m really telling SOON because i started uploading some of it already. bwahaha. oh.. i know, my mp3 files… im not yet done uploading them too. lol. WTH. when will i finish uploading everything!? lol. that’s all. peace!

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